today is my birthday, i am 7 years old today. my mom said that tonigh we would go and pick out a cake from
the food lion and that i could get whatever color icing i wanted. i pick out my greenist shirt from my dresser drawer because it is my favorite color and i feel like a ninja turtle with it on. for fun i desided that i would take a thing from my room to school today since it is my birthday and all. so i choose my baseball bat but my mom told me that i couldnt even on my own 7th birthday but maybe on my 8th one? i didnt know what else i could bring that would make me as happy as my bat, so i chose the funny framed future box. on the way out the door my mom told me to be careful of the time space conundrum but i didnt know what she ment. i noded and she kissed me good by.
on the bus stinky aron sat down next to me but since it is my birthday i didnt say anything mean to him like that he smelled like a elefents butt and that his hair looked like spageti sause was dried in it. during recess i took out my magic future frame and looked at todays picture, it was of a can of glitter. kelly and samantha came up to me and asked what i was holding and i told them that it was none of there dumb buisness! they ran to ms. julians and she made me show her the picture. after ms. julians saw the picture she told me not to be mean to kelly and samantha and she even made me apoligize on my birthday. at lunchtime ms julians called the class to the center of the room and announced that it was my birthday. i told everyone that i was seven and every sang me the birthday song.
after lunch jonah and wren and kyle came up to me and started teasing me about being the birthday boy. i told them to shut up and kyle grabbed my backpack and they threw it arround. i told them to be careful but they didnt care and they dropped it. when i looked inside the frame was chipped on one corner. i was relly scared about the space time contraneum so i told the guys they were in real trouble and that i would tell my mom that they did it!
during arts and crafts i glued the chip down and it was good as new but then the glass in the back fell out and it broke on the floor into a million peices! suddenly everyone seemed to just disapper from the plane of reality and i just knew that i was in the biggest trouble. i was floating in the arts room and the math room at the same time and i saw my own meat floating outside of and around me. i felt as if i were never and allways. all i could see in the sky was a canister of glitter i suddenly felt sticky and sharp at the same time and the back of my head and gravity dripped down my leg. suddenly i saw me and i was blowing out the candles to my food lion cake and holding a baseball bat. i knew that it was me on my 8th birthday. i wish i were me at age 8. as i reached for a piece of my future cake i noticed that my 8 year old self was missing his eyes. i looked down at the color of my shirt and noticed that i had gone blind. all of existance ended on my 6th birthday. the end.
Good point. I hadn't thought about it quite that way nice idea for stylish clothes