Thursday, October 8, 2009

Roll over boy.

Today I was driving to go to Poetter to pick up Stephanie so we could go to Joann's Fabric store. Fabric was not what we went for though, she wanted to look for like clasps and zippers and stuff but they didn't have anything good there so we went a bit farther down Abercorn to the army surplus store and I saw this cool hat but my head was too big.
Anyway on the way over there I saw a dog got hit by a van in front of me, not like run over but just hit. It did a little roll and limped off the road and the van drove off, but I turned around to see if I could help, and I found the dogs owners looking and I pointed out where their dog was and told them what had happened.
I think the dog is going to be alright though. I also think the person thinks that I'm the one who hit their dog, which is awkward because I see them sometimes when I'm walking my dog...

Stephanie bought me a 6 pack of Pez© at Joann's

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